PLANS to convert a shop into a hot food takeaway have been refused permission.

Proposals had been submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department for the business in Orford.

Permission was sought for a change of use of the ground floor of the premises of Aro Electrics, on Orford Lane.

This would be changed from retail to a hot food takeaway, with permission also sought for the installation of a flue extraction system to the rear.

Two full-time and two part-time jobs would have been created, but planers have rejected the scheme.

No changes were proposed to the building frontage, with residential accommodation above to remain unaltered and unaffected by the development.

Documents state: “There are no elements of the proposal that would cause visual harm to the character and appearance of the building, or the setting of the building in its surrounds.

“In additional, there would be no adverse impacts on residential amenity, nor would the development severely affect highway or pedestrian safety.

“The change of use of the premises will promote the economic viability and vitality of the Orford Lane neighbourhood centre, without causing any demonstrable harm.”

In refusing permission, the council said: “On the basis of the above assessment, insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that the proposed change of use at the application site would not result in a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers.

“Consequently, the proposal is contrary to planning policy, and accordingly, the application is recommended for refusal.”