PLANS to resurface the car park at St Monica’s Catholic Primary School in Appleton look set to be approved.

An application proposing the resurfacing of the existing car park, the creation of six new additional parking spaces, the creation of a new bin storage compound, a new fence and gate and the resurfacing of the internal courtyard will come before the development management committee next Wednesday.

The committee is recommended to approve the application, subject to conditions, with delegated authority given to the development manager to make ‘non-material changes to planning conditions and reasons as may be necessary prior to the issue of the decision’.

A report to the committee says: “The proposal will result in development which is appropriate to the site in terms of scale and design and in character to the site on which it is proposed. There will be no undue impact on the amenities of adjacent residents.

“Highways officers have raised no objections subject to an appropriate condition being imposed on any approval. No trees are adversely impacted by the proposed development, subject to conditions.”