WHAT does football mean to you?

That's the question for aspiring artists in the Barclays Finding Fan Gogh football art competition.

And freelance illustrator Helen Weston, having competed with 1,600 other entries from all over the world, has made the final shortlist of just 22.

The 24-year-old from Thelwall said she was very pleased.

She added: "When I watch football I see it as theatre, it's exciting, a spectacle of entertainment - that was my angle.

"My piece is symbolic of football being a theatre."

The lucky winner will receive £10,000 and the honour of having their artwork displayed outside their favourite Premiership stadium.

Helen, who has been an illustrator since graduating from Loughborough University in 2005, said she had always been a big Manchester United fan, so she would have to choose Old Trafford.

She added: "The competition lends itself to what I do. I thought I could say something.

"Football is figurative and colourful - there are lots to play with."

Former United star Teddy Sheringham will pick the winner in the next few weeks.

Other judges include Arts Council chairman Sir Christopher Frayling, artist Sir Peter Blake and Barclays marketing director Jim Hytner.

With her winning entry currently down with the judges, Helen showed off a computer image of the work to Warrington Guardian photographer Dave Gillespie.